Blended Families in St. Petersburg, FL

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How Blended Family Therapy Can Support You?

Just as there is no roadmap for first marriages, subsequent nuptials can really throw some newfound wrenches into marital bliss. Maybe you are on the precipice of blending households, or in the throes of already combining forces and trying to figure out which way is up.

We at KDM Counseling Group understand how blended families are confronted with their own assortment of unique challenges. We appreciate that you are trying to merge two distinctive family dynamics and are perhaps feeling that you are ill-prepared for the challenge.

Benefits of Blended Family Therapy

Working with Blended Families is an area where we have practiced what we preach. So much so, that we have coined the process: Intentional Tribe, The Purposeful Creation of Blended Family. History has shown us that the difficulty of creating an intentional tribe is exponentially increased when there isn’t enough transparency and forethought put into joining family forces.

Why Blended Family Therapy Works

Divorce rates can be downright scary and when children are involved the numbers get even higher. Statistics reflect that if both partners have kids, the odds are more significantly stacked against you. In fact, seventy percent of blended marriages end in divorce.

Research also shows that blended families require at least two to five years before hitting their stride. This can be expedited by agreeing to work with a therapist on some of the common issues that come with blending households.

What You Can Expect From Blended Family Therapy

You deserve to be happy and feel fulfilled. In order to make that happen it is imperative that you connect all of the dots. Here are some of the essential considerations we will cover to help navigate increased family harmony.

  • Getting on the same page with parenting.
  • Creating open communication about expectations.
  • Honest discussion of your parenting role with your bonus children.
  • Managing the ex-spouses as they will always be a part of your family.
  • Preparing for possible new sibling-rivalry.
  • Creating a separate space for each parent and their biological children.
  • Prioritizing a rapport with each bonus child individually.
  • Recognizing the difficult transitions we are creating for children.
  • Understanding that it takes continued work to establish balance.

When it all comes together, I can vouch from personal experience, it is tremendously rewarding!

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