Parenting Coordination Services in St. Petersburg, FL

Call KDM Counseling Group today for professional help resolving family conflicts.

Every parent’s priority is the health and wellness of their child. In high-conflict families or families going through a separation or divorce, making decisions regarding your child can lead to stress and arguments. You don’t have to go through these challenging times alone. At KDM Counseling Group, our qualified parenting coordinators understand the complications of co-parenting and the importance of putting your child’s needs first. Parenting coordination is ideal for those who need help with decision-making in family conflict situations, separation, or divorce.

Our Qualified Parenting Coordinator’s goal is to resolve conflict and reduce stress in both parents and children.

What Can You Expect from Parenting Coordination?

Parenting coordination therapy has four phases:

Does Parenting Coordination Really Work?

Parenting coordination does more than simplify the legalities of co-parenting. Couples who use a parenting coordinator have seen:

Since children often reflect the actions of their parents, parenting coordination reduces your kids stress and improves communication skills. The coordinator’s training and experience enables you to stop fighting, work on facilitating the resolution, and create better communication channels.

With mediation from a parenting coordinator, you will spend less time in the courtroom and more time with your kids. The goal of parenting coordination is for you to make decisions that prioritize and benefit your kids.

The Steps of Parenting Coordination

Five sessions take place in parenting coordination. The first two sessions are with each parent individually to discuss the family situation and your goals for the sessions. The best way to prepare for these initial sessions is to provide your parenting coordinator with any agreements or parenting plans you are currently working on or that you have already signed.

The remaining three sessions are used to meet with the children, when necessary, as well as facilitate joint sessions with both parents that focus on improving communication and making decisions that benefit the children. Should domestic violence be a factor, all five sessions are one-on-one with your parenting coordinator.

Goals and Timeline for Parenting Coordination

The overall goal for parenting coordination therapy sessions is to encourage co-parents to peacefully work together to benefit the children and relieve them of stress. The timeline for every parenting coordination is unique to the co-parents involved. Your parenting coordinator will work closely with you to determine how many sessions are needed, and what outcomes you can expect.

Your parenting coordinator works to reduce court time and make decisions when you and your co-parent come to a disagreement.

Issues that Parenting Coordination Addresses

Here are just a few of the struggles we face on a regular basis. Just know that you’re not alone with these as they are common issues among co-parents:

When you and your co-parent disagree, working with a parenting coordinator can improve your decision-making process.

Call KDM Counseling Group at 727-437-0980 today to schedule your first parenting coordination session with our experienced team of mental health professionals.

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