Blended Christmas

This year we will have fourteen people at our Christmas dinner table. This includes my mom and her husband, as well as our six kids plus four of their significant others. I can only imagine the additional pandemonium at our home once grandkids are part of the picture. It is fun to have a buzzing […]
Top Questions for Couples Considering Parenthood

Are you considering becoming a parent? Although having a baby may be one of the best experiences of your life, it’s important to remember that parenthood also requires an enormous amount of time, effort, and responsibility. Before you start planning who will change diapers, you may want to ask yourself these questions: Can you afford […]
Maximizing Quality Time with Your Family

You may have spent more time with your family lately thanks to COVID-19. Otherwise, with a long workday and commute, you might hardly see them during the week. This could be an opportunity to become more intentional about quality time. Some studies have found that the average family spends less than 40 minutes together on […]
Surviving Parenting During Social Distancing

It is cliché, but the struggle is real. We are currently figuring out how to manage our new reality. Our temporary reality. As parents, our everyday lives are anchored with school, homework, sports, and carpool. It is always chaos; however, we are generally accustomed to the frenetic pace. OK, so now what? In a blink […]