Creativity, Acceptance, And The Pause: A Case Example Of Mindfulness And Art In Therapy With An Adolescent

Mindfulness, defined as nonjudgmental awareness, has been integrated into a variety of therapeutic approaches. The benefits of mindfulness for adults have been demonstrated, and mindful interventions for youth are increasing. Creating a space for mindfulness to arise can be challenging within the hectic and technology-filled lives adolescents often lead. Art in therapy with adolescents can be a beneficial way of creating a pause, thereby helping clients to connect to a mindful state. The use of art in therapy to promote mindfulness can be especially useful for adolescents who can be reluctant to engage in traditional forms of talk therapy. In this article, we use a case example of therapy with a Mexican-American male youth to exemplify the clinical application of a combination of mindfulness and various art modalities.


Laura Eubanks Gambrel, Abigail Burge & Michael E. Sude (2020) Creativity, Acceptance, and the Pause: A Case Example of Mindfulness and Art in Therapy with an Adolescent, Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 15:1, 81-89, DOI: 10.1080/15401383.2019.1640151

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